Monday, March 14, 2011

Another Ubiquitous Holiday.

It's been said, "Beware the Ides of March." Today is National PI day. Why you may ask? Today is 3.14 which happens to be PI. It is customary to celebrate this auspicious occasion with a slice of pie. It just so happens one must use PI to calculate the exact amount of PIE one eats. (Or a scale I guess)
 March is a strange month and runs the gamut of holidays. From sinful Mardi Gras, to the indulgent Fat Tuesday, the somber Ash Wednesday, and the silly green St. Patrick's Day. (Where everyone becomes Irish for one day.) Heck, the 2nd week of March is National Bubble Week. Anyway, I thought it was worth sharing. A Google search reveals that every day in March is some remembrance or holiday. Many of them two or more special days.

There are many types of pie in this county. There's pizza pie, pot pie, fruit pie, pumpkin pie, ice cream pie, peanut butter pie, meringue pies, cream pies and the mysterious and often misunderstood minced meat pie. Just make sure if you have some pie today, it's round.

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